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  • oh wow, thats some pika gold ill never use, thanks though!
    Arrly we need to talk about the dupe going on in OpLifesteal Add me on discord shadow_9137 we will discuss about it
    yk that I reported the dupers so trust me we need to discuss
    arrly i have a bit of consern about this server something happening thats not great people doxing everyone like one of my friend got doxed for his full information these guys are like 16 yrs old and trying to dox everyone thats not a fair game a known doxer masura who tries doxing everyone and sometimes passess or fails aswell but he doxed my friends information i have proof to it aswell and THATS why his accounts were hacked also
    known doxer masura 😂
    ya dwag that mate id a 15 year old kid tryna dox a few people his dox sometime works i dont understand that kid doxing people
    Guys all I need help is with 2fa my code got deleted pls check my report ☹️
    Just be patient for a response, it may take less or more time according to the issues complexity.
    ok but atleast least respond to the request
    Bro pls see my pass reset req I provided every single proof me being the actual owner of the account.
    Just be patient for a response. Admins and above ensure everything is checked before accepting a password reset request for security reasons, so it can take time.
    Oh ok
    Hello when do my Payment related ticket will be reviewed, It's been a week now. Thank you.
    you just need to wait! Pika staff are kinda busy so thats why it sometime takes time. : D

    Staff members do not check payment tickets, It's done by owners.
    What are u doing pika my request is like 1 - 2 weeks and not replied come on now accept my request
    There are no choice to reject i can share my screen to proof ur staff is to lazy no one is working owner also
    And u also, and i was just complaint about ur staff and owners because that's to delay atleast
    U guys focus on players and there forums now go fast accept my password reset request
    That's delay to bad 😞
    My password reset request is to delay and pls you accept my request

    I have premium account so i play hypixel and i can screen share of my account so i can proof I was the owner

    I forgot and that's the biggest thing I can screen share without any issue
    Please wait for your request to be replied to.
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