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  • Congratulations on becoming a staff manager on Pika Network!
    A bit late, but thanks!
    It has been 2 months and he is still saying "A bit late" 💀
    hello respected admin/staff member , i am Knight_playzzz the reason for writing this report is that I got muted. players invite other players to their party so a player type a chat that [ if anyone wants to join the party type 666 ] then I too type 666 in the chat . I type 3 times in chat 666 coz he was no responding and taking me to party . and afterwords i got muted . their were many players who were spamming 666 more than me i just type it thrice and got muted for 6 days . i have been muted 3rd time like this for no such reasons so I please request you to unmute me . thank you !!
    Your mute is valid. Sending the same (or very similar) message 3 times in one chat box, it is considered spamming. If you believe others also broke rules, report them here.
    yo, I wanted to talk about 1 of ur rules. So there is a 7 day ipban inplace for having an inappropriate cape or skin, but what I don’t get is why this goes for capes? If the cape is really inappropriate minecraft would interfere since those capes are made with minecraft banners, so this does not go against any eula. you guys have 0 control over that. Then isn’t a 7 day ipban way to long? What you want is a player to get punished and then make it so they change there skin so they get what they did wrong, but now what you are doing is ban them for 7 days and they won’t play anymore because only the new players that do not know the rules will get banned by this and since not a single server expect you guys ban for this it is a pretty good way to get new players of ur server. Just saying if a player sees for example a middlefinger on a cape they are not gonna be like crying you know. It is a goddamn cape in minecraft…
    Hi, we don't want users to display content which we consider inappropriate. Mojang can take care of it on their end, but that's none of our business.
    Sir my account password has not been reset please check it put it has benzene 2 days till it got scanned please check that's worth me alot
    Arrly what ever you do, JUST DONT CHANGE YOUR NAME!!!!, EVER.
    He has already changed it once
    yea ik but dont do that again
    Sir please check my password reset problem this is my second application last was done from my friends account but this time I did it from my main account
    bro they again compromised my account i talked to u and u reset my pass and they are scaming me saying give me your account pass or we will get u banned
    Sir I have submitted a password reset problem please check it out sir that's account worth me a lot idk who changed the pass but I have proof that's my account I got videos of playing on it and much more please help me
    Thank you
    Arrly, im starting to learn minecraft moding and java, i will try to join the crafti games team : ), if application open and ive successfully learned it.
    Good luck!
    sir today u reset my passward i am _zxpl i dont know the pasward u reset and gaveme isnt working please help
    Try again (on the account you requested a password reset for).
    i didnt understadn what u are saying can u tell again
    thank you sir my account is back but there is problem i got gkit voucher of xmas and winter and my 5 million idk where they are gona it might be a bug please help me out and solve it
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