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galaxes is prob one of the freest reports on forums rn, js too busy to report
Oh no! I care abt forums so much like they are gonna affect me! Sorry for not caring abt having a clear forum profile and not trying to go for staff :(.
Someone's salty lol
How am i "salty". I legit dont even care abt forums. The only thing i care in this server is sw. If i did care abt forums i wouldnt have 50 msgs.
Ur so confident in ur stupidity u don't even realise how bad u mess up.
U were certain u wouldn't get punished for post farming and yet here we are.
This should cool down this over inflated ego of urs a bit.
Yea cuz post farming is not what staff think LOL? There is no ego here. U said u will prove i am post farming and said "idk". Like ur claiming stuff and not providing evidence lmao. U think ur cool or a forum guardian by just getting me warned and the amount of stuff ur warn is an absolute nothing.

If u claim stuff and cant prove it then ur the stupid one bud.
Yet u grinding reports wont get u anything cuz not even staff apps are based on forum msgs anymore.

I srsly couldnt care less abt getting a warn on forums cuz it s legit DEAD and the comm is so immature that it's not fun to chat. Obv ppl like u are gonna enjoy w ur childish convos.

Ur accusing me for deleting my msgs and clearly spent a lot more time in the forums than me and still cant thnk that staff also has the perms to delete posts/msgs on forums.

If I had ego here I would clearly not be nice to u and dislike spam u cuz ik u care abt ur forum stats and dont wanna get them decreased. And as i said im not a toxic person. Maybe if forums were acc not inactive or get u something in game that is useful I still wouldnt care abt having a clear punishment history. If u rlly want to believe this I suggest u to go to the biggest minecraft server's(pika) forums and check the amount of warns I got there.
If u somewhat know me from discord or from the server in general im not toxic and i dont ego. Get me banned in game then I will care abt something u did against me. Have a day.
U claimed u wouldn't be punished for post farming because I didn't know what it was and that I was going to delete my comment soon.
When u do get punished for it u just claim that it's the staff that don't know the rules.
Then u claim that I'm childish and that u don't care about the forums account and yet go on to use so much of ur time writing all that on my post
Then u go on to threaten me with dislike spam when I have 30 reaction score anyways
Pretty much every point u made was just u being salty about all of it lol
Not gonna claim for somethint that I didnt do. With this logic I would have gotten warned from every single forum that I used. But surprisingly only pika has done this! Wonder why! The amount of time it took for me to write that was 2 minutes, not a big deal. Ah ofc ur "stupidity" comes and says "u threatened me". Lemme read it for u:

"If I had ego here I would clearly not be nice to u and dislike spam u cuz ik u care abt ur forum stats and dont wanna get them decreased. And as i said im not a toxic person."

As this message shows I didnt threaten u. I said "if i was salty and toxic" Do i need to make it more clear?

And again if I was salty I wouldn't be talking nice here. Neither did I even use caps for u to think that im "salty".
Yes ur childish cuz ur max convo on discord and forums as I searched up is "pineapple on pizza". Wow what type of a mature guy are u? Yet u said "u must gather the power of the pizzas to see the pineapple." to the guy that commented on ur profile post. U arent funny and that joke is so childish. And as i can also see from ur discord convos u talk so childish(spamming pika heart emojis, asking "how to be cute", "just like how pineapple goes well on pizza?", "I lost my pineapple now I cant make a pizza") and anyone that is actually mature will think the same thing. And another proof of u being childish is to go and make a profile post on ur acc to say "lmao i got this guy warned". Wow bro what a great achievement u got someone warned on forums!
Writing this also took me 3 minutes and a half and im free rn so I dont think this is wasting my time. Unlike u to go and make a report on forums everyday to gain a rank in a forum that is so inactive lmao. And yet this doesnt even get u anything(at least a bit of gold lmao). I think ur the one who wastes their time on forums and playing 9h of pika everyday as u also claimed on the discord server.
yall better chill and u might break rules