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PracticePvP - PikaNetwork 2020
Thursday - July 30th, 2020
Greetings PikaCrafters,
We’re here to announce our PracticePvp reset. This post will cover some of the new features you’ll be able to play on the new PracticePvP server, including a new spawn and much more. We redid, changed a lot, and updated most of the plugins.
So please tell us if something isn’t quite up to par. Everything here is subject to change. If you have feedback for anything listed (or not listed) here, please do let us know!
We tried to keep this season similar to the last season experience, it was all working alright, some specific bugs and issues needed to be fixed, so we decided to make a whole new and fresh update out of it! For this update, we’ve only listened to the community, based on what we have found on our forums have we fixed the issues, and added the new features. So dont forget to keep making suggestions and bug reports since we always use those for our latest updates!
We hope that your suggestions/ideas/or bug reports are now fixed and or added within this update. Let's not make it longer since most people won't even read this, so let go straight to the details!
You would like to start the update well? With a free rank or some free store credit?
An Instagram giveaway is here below:
http://instagr.am/p/CDOpcM4p_7u/ View: https://www.instagram.com/p/CDOpcM4p_7u/
The release of the brand new PracitcePvp server is scheduled on Thursday, July 30, 2020.
Thursday 30th July 2020

Among other things, the following has been changed/updated:
- NEW! Builds
- The new map will feature a brand new spawn.
- New leaderboard area
- Parkour
- All arenas set up again
- Added some new arenas.
- The new map will feature a brand new spawn.
- NEW! Kit editor
The kit editor has been added and you are now able to edit your own kits. - NEW! AntiCheat
- We updated the anti-cheat with our brand new anti-cheat with special settings for practice PVP
- BUG FIX! Movement Glitch
- You will no longer glitch back into blocks when running.
- Added date inside the scoreboard
- UPDATED! Aesthetic Changes
- We've worked on a bunch of aesthetic changes to things such as new spawn, messages, scoreboard, and announcements. In general, we've made things a bit more easy to understand and read, and made things look a bit more modern.
- UPDATED! Soup kit
- Added food inside the soup kit
- BUG FIX! Sumo water fix
- Sometimes if you hit the water you would not die, this is now fixed
- UPDATED! BuildUhc kit updated
- Added a pickaxe and axe to the builduhc kit
- Arrows inside the builduhc kit nerfed
- NEW! Brackets kick
- You can now kick members out of you brackets event, with the new command /brackets kick <name>
- BUG FIX! Vanish for staff members
- Vanish for staff members wasn't working, this is no longer the case and staff can be hidden.
- NEW! Archer Kit
- Added some new leaderboards
- Optimized the server performance
- Updated netty to the latest version to version to improve packet stability
- Improved knockback packet handling for better accuracy
- Did some fixes to the ender pearls
- Fixed a bug with Invisible Players when you join an arena
- Arrows being invisible or not hitting the target will no longer be a thing
- The entire server crashing/freezing up for minutes at a time should no longer happen
- Fishing rods are reverted to 1.7 behavior
- Fixed party vs party elo if opponent disconnects
- fixed chat color bug.
- Fps mode is enabled by default
- Fixed a few problems with support for 1.13/1.14
- Fixed a problem with party 2v2 queue
- The attack speed of all swords/axes have been modified
- Fixed a bug with random attack damages
- Customized party help command
- Falling out of spawn will teleport you back to spawn
- and more we most likely forgot to mention..
If you encounter any bugs, be sure to make a bug report HERE. We will be checking this section regularly in order to fix things as soon as possible.
Make sure to let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions. We are always open for it as we are always looking for ways to improve our server.
Make sure to let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions. We are always open for it as we are always looking for ways to improve our server.

Q: What will be kept after the reset?
A: Practice just needed a reset, it wasn't updated for months. So to make practice working again was a reset required. So here it is a fresh new reset with updates!
- Purchased ranks from our store
- Kills
- stats
- leaderboards
A: Practice just needed a reset, it wasn't updated for months. So to make practice working again was a reset required. So here it is a fresh new reset with updates!
We hope to see you in our new Practice server soon!
If you have feedback or any suggestion, let us know we'd love to make this as good as we can.