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Helpful Application Writing Guide

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Staff Member
Jun 16, 2019
Application Writing Guide - Marc.png

If you’re applying to be a staff member, making a good impression is important. Your application shows us who you are, your skills and how you can help the server. This guide will help you write a strong application that meets all the expectations.

Make Sure You Meet the Requirements

Before starting your application, take a moment to review the server’s staff requirements:
  • Aged 15 or older
  • Able to record Minecraft videos
  • Able to speak in Discord calls if needed
  • Active on our Minecraft server (>7h/week), Discord and the forums
  • Has good behaviour and is familiar with our rules
  • Has 30 or more accepted player reports
  • Not staff on any other Minecraft server
If you don’t meet the requirements, you must wait and build up your experience before applying.

Know the Server Rules

As a staff member, you’ll be enforcing the server’s rules, so it’s essential to know them well. Read through the rules and think about the following:
  • Why the rules are in place
  • How you would explain them to other players
  • How you would handle situations where players break the rules
Keep in mind that the rules apply to Discord as well.

Being familiar with the rules shows us that you’re serious about maintaining order in the community. View the server rules HERE.

Understand the Application Questions

Each question on the application is there for a reason, so take the time to think about your answers. For example:
  • If a question asks about your experience, talk about specific things you’ve done, like moderating servers or helping new players.
  • If a question asks how you’d handle a situation, base your answer on the server’s rules and explain your reasoning.
Don’t rush through the questions. A thoughtful answer shows us you’re serious about the position.

Tips for Writing Your Application

Use proper grammar and spelling
Staff members need to communicate clearly, so your application should be free of mistakes. Proofread your writing and check for things like:

  • Typos or spelling errors
  • Missing punctuation
  • Sentences that don’t make sense
Be professional
Remember, you’re applying for a role model position. Your tone should reflect that. For example:

  • Don’t say: “I’m awesome at banning hackers lol.”
  • Do say: “I have experience identifying rule-breaking, such as cheating or hacking and taking appropriate action.”
Avoid slang or abbreviations
Using casual language makes your application look unprofessional. Write in full sentences instead of using slang.

Be honest
Don’t exaggerate or lie about your experience. It’s okay to admit you’re still learning or have limited experience, as long as you show a willingness to improve.

Answer thoroughly
Give enough detail to fully answer the question, but don’t ramble. Clear, focused answers are best.

Explanations of Staff Application Questions

Before we dive into examples of how to answer common questions, it’s important to know that copying or relying too much on these examples will hurt your chances of being accepted. These are here to guide you in understanding how to structure your answers, not to be reused word-for-word.

Using these examples as your exact answers shows a lack of effort and originality, which can result in your application being denied. The staff team wants to see your unique experiences, thoughts and personality in your application. Treat these examples as inspiration, not shortcuts.

  • Provide your location to help the team understand your availability and how you might interact with the player base.
Time zone
  • Be clear about your time zone to help coordinate your availability.
  • List any languages you can speak fluently, as this helps the team assign you to situations where language might be a barrier.
  • Be honest about your weekly schedule and how much time you can commit. Make sure you can commit to the required hours.
Have you ever been banned?
  • Answer honestly and explain what happened if you’ve been banned before. Whether it was a misunderstanding or if you’ve learned from the punishment, you should say so.
What motivated you to apply for staff?
  • Be honest about your motivation and what you hope to contribute.
  • Make sure to write more than two sentences here. We want to understand what truly motivates you and providing a bit more detail helps. A response with a lot of text will give you a better chance of being accepted than just a short answer.
Which relevant experience and skills do you have?
  • Talk about any relevant experience, even if it’s outside Minecraft.
  • Tell us about your experience and skills in detail. The more you share, the better we’ll be able to get to know you.
Do you have any disabilities?
  • This question is often included to help the team provide support if needed. Be honest, but share only what you’re comfortable discussing.
Do you have any other hobbies besides playing Minecraft?
  • Sharing your hobbies gives insight into your personality and how you balance your time.
  • We’d like to know about your hobbies to get a sense of how you might fit with our team. Share whatever you’re comfortable with no need to go beyond that.
What is your best memory from playing PikaNetwork?
  • Use this as a chance to show your connection to the server.
  • Talk about some cool things you’ve done, like making new friends, winning an event in-game or on Discord or building an awesome Skyblock island that everyone loved checking out.
What is your biggest strength?
  • Highlight a quality that makes you a strong candidate. Focus on strengths that show how you'll perform well and behave responsibly as a staff member.
What is your biggest weakness?
  • Be honest, but show that you're working on improving. Focus on weaknesses that you are actively addressing and explain how overcoming them will help you grow as a staff member. This shows self-awareness and an interest in learning. Important traits that will help your application.
Why should we accept your application over others?
  • Focus on what makes you unique and valuable to the team. Mention your strong qualities, impressive accomplishments and unwavering convictions.
  • We encourage you to provide a detailed explanation of why you should be chosen over other applicants. As a team, we value thoughtful and well-explained answers. Keep in mind that a brief response, such as only a couple of sentences, might lead to your application being denied.
Keep in mind the more words you use the better. Do not slack on any details, but keep your answers on-topic and don't blabber too far away from the questions. Make sure your answers are unique: don't write everything word-for-word as described here or your application will lack originality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do staff members get paid?
No, being a staff member is a voluntary position.

Do I need prior experience to apply for staff?
Prior experience is not required but is desirable. Most importantly, extensive knowledge of our rules and offences is experience in and of itself. Strong communication skills and a positive attitude will also help in the long run.

Can I apply for a specific staff rank, like Moderator or Admin?
All applicants start as Trials. Promotions to a rank higher than this role are dependent on staff management.

How long does it take to hear back about an application?
There is no set time as this can vary, but the evaluation process can take weeks. Avoid asking staff members for updates since that may negatively affect your application.

My application has been rejected. What can I do now?
As mentioned, you may reapply a month later if you are dedicated to this role. However, repeated denials may indicate areas for improvement. Carefully reflect on the feedback from the denial message before reapplying.

Are players who are not fluent in the English language allowed to apply?
While English fluency is preferred due to it being the server-wide language, applicants who display a decent and intermediate form of communication may also be considered. However, a basic comprehension and reading of English is required.

Do staff members get special items or rewards?
Staff do not receive special items or perks that affect gameplay. Their position is solely to help and improve the community.

Can I apply for staff if I'm a content creator, e.g. a streamer or a YouTuber?
Yes, you are allowed to apply if you make content for the server. However, if you are applying and you already have a media rank, you are required to resign from that role to commit to your staff duties.

Will there be any mentoring or guidance after I join the staff team?
If you are accepted to the team, you will receive the necessary guidance on how to move forward as a qualified staff on our server.

What are the most common reasons applications are rejected?
Applications are often rejected due to insufficient detail, failure to meet the specified requirements or a lack of understanding of the server rules and expectations. To improve your chances of success, please thoroughly review the application thread HERE and ensure you fully understand the guidelines before submitting your application.

Do I need to have a specific in-game rank to apply for staff?
Staff positions are open to all players regardless of their in-game rank.

Before Submitting Your Application

Before you hit “submit,” go through this checklist:
  • Did you proofread your answers? Check for any grammar or spelling mistakes.
  • Did you answer every question fully? Make sure you don’t leave anything blank.
  • Did you show you know the rules and meet the requirements?
  • Does your application sound professional? Avoid slang and keep a respectful tone.
Thank you for taking the time to apply! A well-written application shows us that you’re serious about the role and ready to help make the server even better. Good luck!
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