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Important OP SkyBlock Rules - Feedback & Suggestions


Staff Member
Jul 22, 2020
OPSkyblock Rules Feedback & Suggestions - Marc.png

Hi everyone,

It has come to our attention that many of you have some feedback and suggestions regarding our current OP SkyBlock-specific rules.
This is why we have decided to make this thread to keep all of your suggestions in the same place and to make handling them easier.

So how is this system going to work?
  • Every time you want to suggest something related to strikes/payout rules on OP SkyBlock, reply to this thread with your suggestion.
  • Make sure you are as detailed as possible when suggesting! This gives us a clearer picture that makes it easier to implement the idea.
  • Team SkyBlock will go through your suggestions at the end of each season.
That being said, there are some things you shouldn't post here. Those are:
  • Replies such as 'I agree' or '+1'
  • Disrespectful comments towards the server, the staff team or the players
  • Messages that are not a suggestion or a question
If you agree with something another player has said, please use the appropriate reactions to express your agreement.
Going off-topic or posting content that falls under the above will result in a punishment and deletion of said content.

If you have any questions related to this thread, feel free to ask them in the replies as well.
Other than that, PikaNetwork wishes you good luck with your suggestions!


Aug 8, 2022
Hello I'm Morda1_2
I'm the island leader that was supposed to win 3rd place this season, but it was taken away from me because I simply did not know that buying Enchanted Ores was illegal and considered boosting. As a player that played for 4 seasons just for fun and this current season, I played for comp. I bought Enchanted Ores every single season and didn't think much of it and did the same thing this season (even though crystals were broken the first few days) I simply sold them to make more money and without knowing that it can get us the strikes. And I wasn't the only island that was buying Enchanted Ores at the start of the season. The moral of this please just clarify some things that count as boosting maybe write down all the things that are considered boosting instead of saying "anything bought for money that can boost your island value counts as boosting" and it was said by an admin. Even though people can buy xp or money boosters that do boost island values just to make more money and buy more spawners, is that not boosting? Even though my shops were abandoned, and the island was closed for the majority of the season the admin decided not to check my island logs for proof. I know I kind of bored you with reading all this I just wanted this to be out there, but please just clarify more things next season that are considered boosting and whatnot.


Epic Pika
Feb 5, 2021
OpSkyblock Forums report and /is liststrikes should be implemented. It's to keep an eye for those who got strikes and evading the strikes. As for the boosting rule, you should specifically explain the rule or list what's allowed and what's not, because there may be new players who are competing the payouts.


Pika Member
Nov 3, 2021
Also it would be nice to get clarifications on the rules such as-
- whether it applies to all islands or only top5-10 islands (since people are actively buy/selling e-heads in chat and staff, even though online haven't warned, given strikes, reinforced rules.) If the staff is making these rules applicable to all then that needs to made clear and staff needs to actively specify, warn, apply them or else it simply becomes a tool used by some to eliminate competition. AND if the staff is taking this approach that for the strikes they will only consider the reports filled then even that needs to be specified.
So TL;DR- Strikes server wide or only for top islands?
-Details on what is or isn't boosting--- what if heads or ores are bought for anything other than money like for xp or mobcoins or even donated? These are loopholes people might use to get away with "boosting".
-People selling heads on the auction house- will the staff keep track of who is buying and who is selling to implement strikes?
-People selling stuff for pika gold or giftcards- is that boosting too?
-People selling things not available in /buy- is that allowed?
-/is warps with grinders where heads and drops DONT get collected -is that allowed?
-People paying members for grinding missions or for outposts - allowed or boosting?
- Usage of alts on same islands or other islands - clarify
-A forum to seek clarification on the rules maybe on discord or maybe here
-Some players plants their alt on other competing islands - will the islands get strikes or the player or the alts or all?
-Explanation on why an island got strikes. This is the most important suggestion to me.

I really appreciate how proactively the admins are trying to resolve the chaos around the strike system so thank you, especially Arrly and _Crni <3


Pika Member
Nov 3, 2021
Also please clarify---
- giving ranks in exchange for money (ah or otherwise)
-selling ores or ranks for pika gc or classes or xp or buying ores for any pika gc, classes or xp
-If selling ores on ah is allowed
-If "hiring" people from other islands to mine for you is allowed
-Whether mob grinding on other islands is allowed (co-op or public spawner)
-If buying/selling gsets for money, pika gc, xp, is allowed
-If "Donating" or /gift(ing) kits, ranks, ORES, xp, spawners is allowed


Legendary Pika
Jul 9, 2022

Hi everyone,

It has come to our attention that many of you have some feedback and suggestions regarding our current OP SkyBlock-specific rules.
This is why we have decided to make this thread to keep all of your suggestions in the same place and to make handling them easier.

So how is this system going to work?
  • Every time you want to suggest something related to strikes/payout rules on OP SkyBlock, reply to this thread with your suggestion.
  • Make sure you are as detailed as possible when suggesting! This gives us a clearer picture that makes it easier to implement the idea.
  • At the end of each season, Team SkyBlock will go through your suggestions and accept/deny them by quoting your messages.
That being said, there are some things you shouldn't post here. Those are:
  • Replies such as 'I agree' or '+1'
  • Disrespectful comments towards the server, the staff team or the players
  • Messages that are not a suggestion or a question
If you agree with something another player has said, please use the appropriate reactions to express your agreement.
Going off-topic or posting content that falls under the above will result in a punishment and deletion of said content.

If you have any questions related to this thread, feel free to ask them in the replies as well.
Other than that, PikaNetwork wishes you good luck with your suggestions!
I accept all terms and services ;)


Staff Member
Apr 29, 2022
- whether it applies to all islands or only top5-10 islands (since people are actively buy/selling e-heads in chat and staff, even though online haven't warned, given strikes, reinforced rules.) If the staff is making these rules applicable to all then that needs to made clear and staff needs to actively specify, warn, apply them or else it simply becomes a tool used by some to eliminate competition. AND if the staff is taking this approach that for the strikes they will only consider the reports filled then even that needs to be specified.
We in general only punish competing top island but depending on the situation it can be anyone, report when someone is breaking the rules
-Details on what is or isn't boosting--- what if heads or ores are bought for anything other than money like for xp or mobcoins or even donated? These are loopholes people might use to get away with "boosting".
https://pika-network.net/threads/notice-boosting-value-minimum-prices.269294/ We strongly discourage purchasing items for anything other than money/exp
-People selling heads on the auction house- will the staff keep track of who is buying and who is selling to implement strikes?
report the players- https://pika-network.net/forums/player-reports.150/
-People selling stuff for pika gold or giftcards- is that boosting too?
-People selling things not available in /buy- is that allowed?
-/is warps with grinders where heads and drops DONT get collected -is that allowed?
-People paying members for grinding missions or for outposts - allowed or boosting?
Already answered here- https://pika-network.net/threads/notice-boosting-value-minimum-prices.269294/
- Usage of alts on same islands or other islands - clarify
Usage of alts on your own island by your own members for afk or similar reasons is allowed
-A forum to seek clarification on the rules maybe on discord or maybe here
-Some players plants their alt on other competing islands - will the islands get strikes or the player or the alts or all?
Only islands receive strikes
-Explanation on why an island got strikes. This is the most important suggestion to me.
Only the leader of the island is informed and explained about why the island got struck but the evidence related to strike are not shared


Staff Member
Apr 29, 2022
Hello I'm Morda1_2
I'm the island leader that was supposed to win 3rd place this season, but it was taken away from me because I simply did not know that buying Enchanted Ores was illegal and considered boosting. As a player that played for 4 seasons just for fun and this current season, I played for comp. I bought Enchanted Ores every single season and didn't think much of it and did the same thing this season (even though crystals were broken the first few days) I simply sold them to make more money and without knowing that it can get us the strikes. And I wasn't the only island that was buying Enchanted Ores at the start of the season. The moral of this please just clarify some things that count as boosting maybe write down all the things that are considered boosting instead of saying "anything bought for money that can boost your island value counts as boosting" and it was said by an admin. Even though people can buy xp or money boosters that do boost island values just to make more money and buy more spawners, is that not boosting? Even though my shops were abandoned, and the island was closed for the majority of the season the admin decided not to check my island logs for proof. I know I kind of bored you with reading all this I just wanted this to be out there, but please just clarify more things next season that are considered boosting and whatnot.
A detailed explanation regarding the boosting rule is present here- https://pika-network.net/threads/notice-boosting-value-minimum-prices.269294/


Staff Member
Apr 29, 2022
- giving ranks in exchange for money (ah or otherwise)
Trading rank is allowed as long as it's for a fair price and not used as a shady method for boosting another island.
-selling ores or ranks for pika gc or classes or xp or buying ores for any pika gc, classes or xp
-If selling ores on ah is allowed
-If "hiring" people from other islands to mine for you is allowed
-Whether mob grinding on other islands is allowed (co-op or public spawner)
-If buying/selling gsets for money, pika gc, xp, is allowed
-If "Donating" or /gift(ing) kits, ranks, ORES, xp, spawners is allowed
Donating ranks/kits/level skips or similar items which don't boost the island value in any way unlike ores/booster/sellwands/keys/gkits is allowed.
If you are not sure about the item you are trading can be considered boosting or not, you can contact a Team Skyblock member.


Staff Member
Apr 29, 2022
OpSkyblock Forums report and /is liststrikes should be implemented. It's to keep an eye for those who got strikes and evading the strikes. As for the boosting rule, you should specifically explain the rule or list what's allowed and what's not, because there may be new players who are competing the payouts.
There aren't many strikes in opsb so there is no need for /is liststrike or for a separate forums section as of now.
For boosting rule, a detailed guide has been written here- https://pika-network.net/threads/notice-boosting-value-minimum-prices.269294/


Great Reporter
Mar 31, 2020
According to my opinion, there should always be at least one SS request available for each top team.
Such addition would be great if any team has suspicion (suspicion for modifications the provide unfair advantages) for other team members and it would helpful to get rid of that, as well as removing other teams unfair advantage(s) early on.


Staff Member
Jul 22, 2020
According to my opinion, there should always be at least one SS request available for each top team.
Such addition would be great if any team has suspicion (suspicion for modifications the provide unfair advantages) for other team members and it would helpful to get rid of that, as well as removing other teams unfair advantage(s) early on.
No, we are never going to screen share players on request.


Staff Member
Jul 22, 2020
What about when they are suspects and there is evidence proving that they might be cheating?
Then the staff team will decide whether to screen share them or not. This already happens regularly - we screen share players when we find them suspicious.


Staff Member
May 1, 2019

Hi everyone,

It has come to our attention that many of you have some feedback and suggestions regarding our current OP SkyBlock-specific rules.
This is why we have decided to make this thread to keep all of your suggestions in the same place and to make handling them easier.

So how is this system going to work?
  • Every time you want to suggest something related to strikes/payout rules on OP SkyBlock, reply to this thread with your suggestion.
  • Make sure you are as detailed as possible when suggesting! This gives us a clearer picture that makes it easier to implement the idea.
  • Team SkyBlock will go through your suggestions at the end of each season.
That being said, there are some things you shouldn't post here. Those are:
  • Replies such as 'I agree' or '+1'
  • Disrespectful comments towards the server, the staff team or the players
  • Messages that are not a suggestion or a question
If you agree with something another player has said, please use the appropriate reactions to express your agreement.
Going off-topic or posting content that falls under the above will result in a punishment and deletion of said content.

If you have any questions related to this thread, feel free to ask them in the replies as well.
Other than that, PikaNetwork wishes you good luck with your suggestions!
I suggest to add a alt or island member limit. The big islands rotate out offline members with players that are online to get more work done & to donate more gkits, this way the competition is unfair for the smaller teams with less players & gkits.

Make it so rotating members out is 1,2,3,5 strikes each time the islands rotate members out & back in.


Jan 7, 2025
I don't understand English, so I use a translation app.

I don't know if this is the right thread to post this but I will post it here.

A large number of blackmarket items within opskyblock have been purchased and some have been resold in large quantities to Action house. Most of them are traded by experience, so we are forced to buy them by experience, even though we have a lot of soul. Therefore, we would like you to limit the number of BlackMarket purchases per person per day.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


Staff Member
Apr 29, 2022
I don't understand English, so I use a translation app.

I don't know if this is the right thread to post this but I will post it here.

A large number of blackmarket items within opskyblock have been purchased and some have been resold in large quantities to Action house. Most of them are traded by experience, so we are forced to buy them by experience, even though we have a lot of soul. Therefore, we would like you to limit the number of BlackMarket purchases per person per day.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Hlo, this is not relevant here, this is for suggesting changes towards payout rules
Normal suggestions should be created here-> https://pika-network.net/suggestions/