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Recent content by Silver Wing

  1. Silver Wing

    WIll I get unban ever?

    Looking at ur punishment history, u were clearly asking for it
  2. Silver Wing

    Just a question.

    If you did not do anything ban worthy, then just apply for a ban appeal. https://pika-network.net/appeal/ Also i like the reason of ur ban, “reban” lol
  3. Silver Wing

    Cracked account to Premium account

    Yep, as long as the name is same you are fine
  4. Silver Wing

    Payment not going through

    Since u opened the payment support ticket, id say all u can do is wait. U might try pinging staff (using @). But yeah, i can imagine it happening, must have sucked. Good luck tho! 🍀
  5. Silver Wing

    Payment not going through

    Since u havent mentioned ur issue i assume its ur bank not letting the payment go through. Happened with me too when i tried with commbank. Try using paypal, worked for me. Just ignore it if its not the problem.
  6. Silver Wing

    Thnx. Appreciate it

    Thnx. Appreciate it
  7. Silver Wing

    That’s what the ladies used to say

    That’s what the ladies used to say
  8. Silver Wing

    Horrible Reporting System

    Welcome to pika network Jokes aside, i do agree that they need to work on their reporting system
  9. Silver Wing

    FR helper again?

    FR helper again?
  10. Silver Wing


    There should be a disconnect button somewhere. I dont have pc atm so will share u a ss of my phone
  11. Silver Wing

    Lol sure man

    Lol sure man
  12. Silver Wing

    Unbanned where? Pika network?

    Unbanned where? Pika network?
  13. Silver Wing

    Online when summoned 😅

    Online when summoned 😅
  14. Silver Wing


  15. Silver Wing


    I dont think it’s disallowed But it does get you banned/kicked frequently Edit: having vpn wont make ur connection better in most cases Also it looks like u havent linked ur email? Disconnect ur vpn and try to so that using /email