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Recent content by shub_

  1. shub_

    PikaNetwork: Ignoring the Community

    Owners are also not reviewing the payment ticket it's been over a month now like if they don't care about server just shut it down. They want money also but cannot solve problems related to payments also like irony.
  2. shub_

    Denied Website Payment ticket changes

    Minecraft username: shubh_68 Suggestion: Payment ticket changes Detailed description: I suggest a change related to payment tickets. Until now, the payment tickets are only checked by the owners, or you could say Max (aka Gunfire), which often takes a lot of time to get accepted or denied...
  3. shub_

    Survival Bugged items regive

    As far as ik rank vouchers and claim blocks which are bugged can be regained by making payment tickets as starrly told me
  4. shub_

    Survival Bugged items regive

    As I have already told if u make a payment ticket with enough proof then staff will return the same item but u need to give them a proof that this item is bugged .
  5. shub_

    Survival Bugged items regive

    -1 Other than developers or owner no one has the right to give you things on the basis of bugged item and if u anyhow got a bugged item then just make a payment ticket by giving a proof that would be enough to tell that the item is bugged.
  6. shub_

    Not at all

    Not at all
  7. shub_

    A good staff and knows how to handle everything very politely.

    A good staff and knows how to handle everything very politely.
  8. shub_

    Dinos is a SCAMMER!

    Ok it's worth 0 but a scam is a scam u can't justify it.
  9. shub_

    Be a helper soon nub 🤩

    Be a helper soon nub 🤩