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Recent content by sadra3445_

  1. sadra3445_

    Good luck!

    Good luck!
  2. sadra3445_

    He hasn't changed it for many years.(I guess)

    He hasn't changed it for many years.(I guess)
  3. sadra3445_


    Cool video + song of the video
  4. sadra3445_

    zMqrcc has been an admin staff for 2-3 years. Maybe he will be the next manager.

    zMqrcc has been an admin staff for 2-3 years. Maybe he will be the next manager.
  5. sadra3445_

    Try Lt_Hammerman @Arrly

    Try Lt_Hammerman @Arrly
  6. sadra3445_

    Great job!

    Great job!
  7. sadra3445_

    Welcome back buddy!

    Welcome back buddy!
  8. sadra3445_


    Wish best for you. I hope that you will have a nice journey there too.
  9. sadra3445_


    After every season minigames/lobby maps get reset.
  10. sadra3445_

    My 2 Main Issues With SkyMines.

    I'm blatantly agree with you it is pay to win and I guess staffs should remove kits or make them more simple as skywars we saw that they removed ranks kits.
  11. sadra3445_

    Because they bought this server.

    Because they bought this server.
  12. sadra3445_

    Oh I thought you were sad

    Oh I thought you were sad
  13. sadra3445_

    Why black banner "/

    Why black banner "/
  14. sadra3445_

    Welcome back tlang!

    Welcome back tlang!
  15. sadra3445_

    Hello guys

    Hello MCPika, how can I help you?