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Recent content by RafayIsUltraOp

  1. RafayIsUltraOp

    GG for Admin ~ I guess you are the only staff from Pakistan?

    GG for Admin ~ I guess you are the only staff from Pakistan?
  2. RafayIsUltraOp


  3. RafayIsUltraOp

    Money Better Than Shards

    i dont have any issue with farming shards i can afk alts and farm shards like others and kill bosses too but shards is copied from donut smp but then its better to play donut smp. you agree?
  4. RafayIsUltraOp

    Money Better Than Shards

    we dont have top donator role like razon, we don't have staff friends like dino. we are just average f2p players. zireb literally bought p2w staff at the start of the season and helped tox and iconic to get dragon egg. the fact is its unfair i was in the end too but they had p2w stuff and i...
  5. RafayIsUltraOp

    Money Better Than Shards

    but then what about non p2w players only ike had 50b last ssn by selling loot crates ;V > well, i quitted pika they are just testing alot stuff. season 1 was good ngl but they added alot stuff and at the end its not good anymore
  6. RafayIsUltraOp

    Money Better Than Shards

    but this donut smp shards aint giving that og vibe. PikaNetwork OpLifesteal lost his uniqueness ngl
  7. RafayIsUltraOp

    Money Better Than Shards

    i agree, he is a p2w player obv
  8. RafayIsUltraOp

    New ranks colors sucks!

    just kidding ;v xD :-) am looking for teammates ;v
  9. RafayIsUltraOp

    New ranks colors sucks!

    well nice ig best of luck dont claim give me ;v
  10. RafayIsUltraOp

    New ranks colors sucks!

    for real?? whats your in game name and discord?
  11. RafayIsUltraOp


    am from season 1 too it was actually insane with no bugs and p2w players ;v
  12. RafayIsUltraOp


    we get kicked if we afk for long time as well its totally not acceptable please pika staff remove this ;v
  13. RafayIsUltraOp

    New ranks colors sucks!

    The New Rank Textures Looks Good Tho, If You Use Offical Texture Pack of Op Lifesteal Then You Can See Those Textures ;v I Have Perm Alpha, It's Totally Worth It Because It Has Alpha Kit, /heal, /feed Command Which Is Quite Good I Don't Need To Keep Food In My Inventory I Just Type /feed And...
  14. RafayIsUltraOp

    What's is duels??

    Just be in spawn area [/spawn] and keep your inventory empty like keep your stuff in your pvs or enderchest and then just simply type /duel [playername] [wageramount] and just duel they will give you a kit to duel so you won't lose your stuff ;v
  15. RafayIsUltraOp

    What's is duels??

    well actually you need to keep your inventory empty and you need to be in spawn area in order to duel and they give you a special cpvp kit to duel and you can wager on it as well any amount of money if you win you keep the money if you lost then you lost the money ;v