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Recent content by Panducorno

  1. P

    OP Lifesteal fast command for exit from tutorial

    Minecraft username: Panducorno Suggestion: fast command for exit from tutorial Detailed description: i am older player of oplifesteal and i need to do /skiptutorial like over 10 times for hide the title on my screen i cant exit fat from tutorial with /skiptutorial, i have 10 account and is...
  2. P

    OP Lifesteal play time online rewards

    Minecraft username: Panducorno Suggestion: play time online rewards Detailed description: can you add more days in menu /ptr? after 15 days we cant take rewards for play online, and season is long, so can you add rewards for other day, maybe 60 or 90 days too iincluded Reason(s): more...
  3. P

    Update OpLifesteal - Reset | Feburary the 7th 2025

    instead of thor there should have been zeus
  4. P

    OP Lifesteal limit balance at oplifesteal 100billion

    Minecraft username: Panducorno Suggestion: limit balance at oplifesteal 100billion Detailed description: View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfhsePbmLX0 add 100billion limit balance at oplifesteal cuz last season i lose 10 billion and this season i lsoe again 10 billion, and you dont...