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Recent content by Oh_Itz_Sahil

  1. Oh_Itz_Sahil

    Update OpSkyBlock - Reset | September The 16th 2022

    Been suggesting adding island strikes for a long time. Good job pika
  2. Oh_Itz_Sahil

    glad u got the yt rank, at least now u would shutup i dont really know u but no hate, congrats <3

    glad u got the yt rank, at least now u would shutup i dont really know u but no hate, congrats <3
  3. Oh_Itz_Sahil

    Update Classic Skyblock - Reset | May the 8th 2021

    um theres no info about the payouts, is it the same as last season?
  4. Oh_Itz_Sahil

    Denied Store Add staff ranks

    +1 vary good suggestion mens, no berks
  5. Oh_Itz_Sahil

    Accepted SkyBlock Suggestions for upcoming skyblock seasons

    More suggestions: - Island strikes for island boosting I have seen islands boosting/getting boosted by other islands, and I think having a specific punishment for boosting would be a good idea. For example, island boosting - Disqualification from island top payouts This punishment may be too...
  6. Oh_Itz_Sahil


  7. Oh_Itz_Sahil

    ggs lol im late

    ggs lol im late
  8. Oh_Itz_Sahil

    This server is...

    +1 best thread ever!!! so emotional and inspiring it brought me to tears!!!!
  9. Oh_Itz_Sahil

    Denied Website tiktok-rank

    -1 very funny just let me fking bypass this damn chat filter
  10. Oh_Itz_Sahil


  11. Oh_Itz_Sahil


  12. Oh_Itz_Sahil


  13. Oh_Itz_Sahil

    Denied OP SkyBlock Allow 1.15 Attack key grinding

    -1 grinding is meant to be hard and not as easy as holding a button for a long time, there's barely any competition in that. It just comes down to the players who can hold a button for the longest time. Anyone can grind 100k mobs a day with the attack key on 1.15 but not much can grind 50k a day...
  14. Oh_Itz_Sahil


  15. Oh_Itz_Sahil

