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Recent content by notknown876

  1. notknown876

    BedWars BedWars Map Rotation

    No, the rotation of the maps is not up to the owner or manager; the developer handles it, and I want that to be changed by making it a periodic change that should take place after a certain amount of time instead of making it take place out of nowhere. And no, another suggestion doesn't exist...
  2. notknown876


  3. notknown876

    Denied BedWars Add invisible potion in bedwars

    This has been suggested multiple times and has been denied multiple times. In short, they are not going to add invisible potion in bedwars. However, invisible potion sometimes comes in the shop as a weekly rotation item so you may be able to use it sometime if you are lucky.
  4. notknown876

    SkyPvP Common and Legendary Mystery Boxes

    It might be because of your texture pack try changing it, some texture pack has similar color gradients for different colors. Though I can't be sure I have played the new season yet.
  5. notknown876

    New map rotation

    https://pika-network.net/threads/bedwars-map-rotation.490369/. You can upvote my suggestion, I have suggested something similar 😀.
  6. notknown876

    Update SkyPvP - Reset | Feburary the 28th 2025

    No changes were made to the cow pet 😞. However, I am still excited about the new update :-).
  7. notknown876

    Denied BedWars New Maps Should be add in Bedwars

    Just telling them to add new bedwars maps won't get this suggestion accepted, you will need to suggest your own map design. And Titan rank is intended to be bought using irl money instead of voting so they won't reduce the price.
  8. notknown876

    Event EVENT: Love Notes 2!

    Look at my PFP this cute kitten was very scared because there was a thunderstorm outside and he came to my outside gate and was asking to come in and I let it in. So from this, I wanna tell you I am a good person so why don't you give me a chance to have you as my valentine.:-)
  9. notknown876

    BedWars Brng "Currently playing with people"back

    I think they did that because it was telling the players if they were getting spectated or not, making it hard for the staff to spectate those accused of hacking. I think that is one of the main reasons they did that. Also, I don't think there is a need to bring this feature back cause counting...
  10. notknown876

    Congratulations 🎉

    Congratulations 🎉
  11. notknown876

    BedWars BedWars Map Rotation

    Minecraft username: notknown876 Suggestion: BedWars Map Rotation Detailed description: The Map Rotation is managed by the developers, and there isn't a set timeline for when these rotations happen. I think it would be great if map rotations took place every three months, which would give...
  12. notknown876

    Nerdy question about Bedwars mode.

    Each map is of different sizes so the render distance varies in some maps. So if you want to have every team base in your viewing distance you should go for the biggest map of bedwars (for solos the biggest map I believe is Woodquarium) and set the render distance according to it. However I...
  13. notknown876

    Denied BedWars /hub-ing and /warp-ing in bedwars

    I mean, this feature is kind of good as well if not misused. Once, a flying hacker was in-game, and as soon as the game started, I had a head-lighting strike and saw that a player had broken the bed. I was on a winstreak, so I rubbed.
  14. notknown876

    Event Short Horror Story Event on Discord.

    That's is the reason why I suggested the story to be a short one taking around 6 to 7 minutes but I am not against of the idea of taking the stories as SUBMISSIONS. And for the underage kids who might get scared part I have already given an answer to that. But I do think there should be a time...
  15. notknown876

    Event Short Horror Story Event on Discord.

    I do get your point and why you are not in favour of this event but let me give you a better perspective there are horror movies and people who likes it watches it and people who don't like horror genre doesn't watches it, it will be the same for the event who wants to participate can...