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Recent content by NoNameFoundMB

  1. NoNameFoundMB

    Survival competition-Enter for prizes

    IGN:martinbardarov 73 :)
  2. NoNameFoundMB

    New Economy Suggestions

    I have been around the server and I have noticed that many acitve player don't get recognition.Also the economy right now sucks..lol . So my point is we could combine those.If you could come up with some system that can give player currency (money) If they are active and helping the...
  3. NoNameFoundMB

    Trade system for survival

    I completely agree :)
  4. NoNameFoundMB

    suggestion for survival maybe next restart?

    Hmmm.The trade command will be pretty nice but i don't think its that neccessery . From person experience i haven't been scammed so often.And yet again i think having the money system back will be nicer :)
  5. NoNameFoundMB

    Idea's of how to improve survival (re-upload)

    I personally think getting the /back command for all people will be too unbalanced.There will literally be no way of losing your items and starting gathering again(except lava).Althought i would love to see in the next update 2 /sethomes for regular ranks
  6. NoNameFoundMB

    survival commands i wish you can add after survival reset :)

    Those would be pretty nice features....and fun also.It would be interesting to see new commands being added to the server after reset
  7. NoNameFoundMB

    Shop suggestion for after reset

    I completely agree with Rocky :)
  8. NoNameFoundMB

    Been working on something for after reset as a project, what do u think?

    Great work! I would love to see this built after the reset :)
  9. NoNameFoundMB

    Survaivial Reset Suggestions

    I have been around here for a long time and the server economy has changed a lot since then.It would be interesting If we could add something new and more interesting.I would love if we add auctions,maybe bring back the /sellhand,/worth etc.And we could even add mob spawners to the shop :).I'm...