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Recent content by Meth0vas

  1. Meth0vas

    OP Lifesteal Math Chatgame changes

    I mean I made it Global and for events, I didn't even know these exist...
  2. Meth0vas

    Update SkyMines - Reset | March the 14th 2024

    I wonder where the /trade for crate keys is... But it will be there surely, right? haha
  3. Meth0vas

    Global Auto iron claim

    Yes for like Elite+ or Titan+
  4. Meth0vas

    SkyPvP Common and Legendary Mystery Boxes

    Minecraft username: Methovas Suggestion: Common and Legendary Mystery Boxes Detailed description: To be honest, i did not see a difference between the common and the legendary mystery boxes... But between the prices were worlds... Im pretty sure that the legendary and common mystery boxes...
  5. Meth0vas


    A build competition again would be nice!
  6. Meth0vas

    Website SkyPvP Add a guide in Forums

    Thanks for adding it ingame!
  7. Meth0vas

    Denied BedWars New Maps Should be add in Bedwars

    Completely true. Let other Servers have invis and let pika be unique and better!
  8. Meth0vas

    Denied BedWars New Maps Should be add in Bedwars

    -1 First of all you can get Titan by voting! And adding new BedWars maps was suggested so many times before so suggest your own map that you built e.g. otherwise there is no reason to accept...
  9. Meth0vas

    Global Change on the new chat repeating rule

    Minecraft username: Methovas Suggestion: Change on the new chat repeating rule Detailed description: Currently, the repeating chat messages rule does not make sense... People who want to spam add 1 letter each time. But for people like me saying "gg" after every practice match or bedwars game...
  10. Meth0vas

    Suggestion denied?

    I'd like to know from staff where my suggestion feedback went... https://pika-network.net/threads/remove-factions-not-opfactions.478400/ After this getting denied and staff not telling me any reason or even the casual message to tell me it got denied, I wondered why this happened? Factions does...
  11. Meth0vas


  12. Meth0vas

    Event EVENT: Love Notes 2!

    Oh no, its clear who wins ig! Congratulations!
  13. Meth0vas

    Global Addition to /trash

    Minecraft username: Methovas Suggestion: Addition to /trash Detailed description: Today it happened: I trashed a useful item by accident... i was able to clip in - watch in reasons... Addition of a Confirm! and Cancel! page would be great like in other gamemodes. Like this 27 slots with Green...
  14. Meth0vas

    Lobby New Gadget

    With long cooldown surely funny! +1
  15. Meth0vas

    Global Introducing hybrid payment system

    In fact: Players who p2w pay more gold then and that is truely not fair. If it stays like it is, players who just vote will have a smaller area in the goldshop. And that's how it should be in my opinion!