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Recent content by lunarxtreme

  1. L

    thanks for the respons but it was true and im ok whit 99 days of ban now

    thanks for the respons but it was true and im ok whit 99 days of ban now
  2. L

    i sended you a private mesage about my ban:(

    i sended you a private mesage about my ban:(
  3. L

    :( please read my mesage im sorrry

    :( please read my mesage im sorrry
  4. L

    Denied Survival i just lost my trident that has loyaliti

    Minecraft username: lunarxtreme Suggestion: i just lost my trident that has loyaliti Detailed description: when i was testing the trident in wanted to se how far it can go sooo i trew it far but it didnt come back so i went in that direction and i searchd for 10 minutes but nothing! and...