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luhv's latest activity

  • luhv
    luhv replied to the thread Is "cross teaming" allowed?.
    If it's teaming or hacking, it'll be better if you record it since a screenshot won't prove anything that much unless they're sitting at...
  • luhv
    luhv replied to the thread Ping issue.
    Yes, you can use a VPN when you're in the server if you made a punishment appeal about it.
  • luhv
    luhv replied to the thread Why?.
    Maybe they just thought it was a coincidence if one player keeps fighting the same person.
  • luhv
    luhv replied to the thread Ping issue.
    Hello, ANUUUJJJJJ If you're using a VPN, make a VPN whitelist request HERE. You could also may a ping-issue report HERE
  • luhv
    luhv replied to the thread backpack.
    I'm pretty sure you could do this by going to the enderchests near the spawn
  • luhv
    luhv replied to the thread Denied Lobby Change mine nickname.
    Yes, because as said in the server chat, it does not support changing minecraft IGN's.
  • luhv
    This will be a downvote for me. The damage feels like it's too op and might be unfair for the other players, especially if people spam...
  • luhv
    luhv replied to the thread Denied Lobby Change mine nickname.
    Yes, because it will register as a new account or a different account.
  • luhv
    luhv replied to the thread BedWars BedWars party commands.
    It does expire lol, what are you even talking about
  • luhv
    luhv replied to the thread BedWars BedWars party commands.
    How will they be confused by typing /p join <IGN> (of leader) ? It's a simple thing to know and remember, ain't that hard to type...
  • luhv
    luhv replied to the thread BedWars Change Price.
    Well, this rotational item might already be changed in a couple of days so I don't think they'd bother to lower the price
  • luhv
    luhv replied to the thread Global Guild logs.
    -1 I don't think it's that relevant since most guilds have like some sort of requirements with availability so if they see someone...
  • luhv
    +1 They be blacklisting everything.. so upvote
  • luhv
    luhv replied to the thread BedWars Adding a team selector.
    Even if you're just playing with one person, you can still /party invite them. If you're playing 4's, then just click on the NPC without...
  • luhv
    luhv replied to the thread LeaderBoard Issue.
    Maybe you've reached like the 210 wins a bit late? Sometimes there is a delay with the leaderboards