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Recent content by Gazes

  1. Gazes

    Denied BedWars censored names

    Minecraft username: Gazesful Suggestion: censored names Detailed description: when you queue your name would be censored nobody would know each others names therefore making folding harder and people with ranks wont get targeted often. or maybe add skins whenever you get nicked...
  2. Gazes


  3. Gazes

    am bored might as well

    wow very humble of you, thanks i will sign up for some *epic* pvp action as am also very enthusiastic about playing bedwars and would love to team up with you someday.
  4. Gazes

    am bored might as well

    nice to meet u (uwu)
  5. Gazes

    am bored might as well

    Well Hello There, Fellow Player
  6. Gazes

    am bored might as well

    hello, I am Gazesful aka Gazes (big pause) thank you