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Recent content by FaulseBan

  1. FaulseBan

    when helper :::::::

    when helper :::::::
  2. FaulseBan

    got kicked again and banned too

    for this if u get faulse banned u can just make a appeal Appeal
  3. FaulseBan

    How to link discord?

    it is easy to link your discord just go to game login if cracked and then /linkaccount then go discord paste the code u get wiht adding this command /linkaccount [ code ]
  4. FaulseBan

    hey thanks also later for the gg tho but gg helper

    hey thanks also later for the gg tho but gg helper
  5. FaulseBan

    its up to them so i dont want u to answer to me ok ?

    its up to them so i dont want u to answer to me ok ?
  6. FaulseBan

    why are u replying to me ? are u staff they are they gona say ill listen to them not u are u...

    why are u replying to me ? are u staff they are they gona say ill listen to them not u are u anything here ?
  7. FaulseBan

    welcome to staff team dwag sorry i am late xdd

    welcome to staff team dwag sorry i am late xdd
  8. FaulseBan

    yoo mate see i need a bit of your help i am tryna be staff here aswell any tips for me !!!!

    yoo mate see i need a bit of your help i am tryna be staff here aswell any tips for me !!!!
  9. FaulseBan

    Do u wana share how is the best possible way to be staff on pikanetwork ..... . help please i...

    Do u wana share how is the best possible way to be staff on pikanetwork ..... . help please i wana be staff here aswell i love this server <3
  10. FaulseBan

    Do u wana share how is the best possible way to be staff on pikanetwork ..... . help please i...

    Do u wana share how is the best possible way to be staff on pikanetwork ..... . help please i wana be staff here aswell i love this server <3
  11. FaulseBan

    Do u wana share how is the best possible way to be staff on pikanetwork ..... . help please i...

    Do u wana share how is the best possible way to be staff on pikanetwork ..... . help please i wana be staff here aswell i love this server <3
  12. FaulseBan

    Do u wana share how is the best possible way to be staff on pikanetwork ..... . help please i...

    Do u wana share how is the best possible way to be staff on pikanetwork ..... . help please i wana be staff here aswell i love this server <3
  13. FaulseBan

    ya dwag that mate id a 15 year old kid tryna dox a few people his dox sometime works i dont...

    ya dwag that mate id a 15 year old kid tryna dox a few people his dox sometime works i dont understand that kid doxing people
  14. FaulseBan

    arrly i have a bit of consern about this server something happening thats not great people...

    arrly i have a bit of consern about this server something happening thats not great people doxing everyone like one of my friend got doxed for his full information these guys are like 16 yrs old and trying to dox everyone thats not a fair game a known doxer masura who tries doxing everyone and...