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FaulseBan's latest activity

  • FaulseBan
    FaulseBan left a message on xKrampuS_'s profile.
    when helper :::::::
  • FaulseBan
    for this if u get faulse banned u can just make a appeal Appeal
  • FaulseBan
    FaulseBan replied to the thread How to link discord?.
    it is easy to link your discord just go to game login if cracked and then /linkaccount then go discord paste the code u get wiht adding...
  • FaulseBan
    FaulseBan commented on FaulseBan's profile post.
    hey thanks also later for the gg tho but gg helper
  • FaulseBan
    FaulseBan commented on FaulseBan's profile post.
    its up to them so i dont want u to answer to me ok ?
  • FaulseBan
    FaulseBan commented on FaulseBan's profile post.
    why are u replying to me ? are u staff they are they gona say ill listen to them not u are u anything here ?
  • FaulseBan
    FaulseBan left a message on xKrampuS_'s profile.
    welcome to staff team dwag sorry i am late xdd
  • FaulseBan
    FaulseBan left a message on Adlless's profile.
    yoo mate see i need a bit of your help i am tryna be staff here aswell any tips for me !!!!
  • FaulseBan
    FaulseBan left a message on _Starrly's profile.
    Do u wana share how is the best possible way to be staff on pikanetwork ..... . help please i wana be staff here aswell i love this...
  • FaulseBan
    FaulseBan left a message on xDeleted's profile.
    Do u wana share how is the best possible way to be staff on pikanetwork ..... . help please i wana be staff here aswell i love this...
  • FaulseBan
    FaulseBan left a message on TTHM's profile.
    Do u wana share how is the best possible way to be staff on pikanetwork ..... . help please i wana be staff here aswell i love this...
  • FaulseBan
    FaulseBan left a message on _iGhostly's profile.
    Do u wana share how is the best possible way to be staff on pikanetwork ..... . help please i wana be staff here aswell i love this...
  • FaulseBan
    FaulseBan commented on FaulseBan's profile post.
    ya dwag that mate id a 15 year old kid tryna dox a few people his dox sometime works i dont understand that kid doxing people
  • FaulseBan
    FaulseBan left a message on Arrly's profile.
    arrly i have a bit of consern about this server something happening thats not great people doxing everyone like one of my friend got...