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  • iam hot and sometimes pro sometimes noob my friends think i auto click and i think my cousin auto clicks BUT WHO REALLY auto clicks is a mystery i have a channel with 89 subscribers if you write cool boy 96 on youtube channel pelican will come thats my hot channel people say iam cringe but WHO IS CRINGE is a mystery i joind pika 2 years ago BUT WHO JOINED 4 years ago is a mystery i was seen last 3 minutes ago BUT WHO WAS SEEN last 1 hour ago is a mystery i have 270 wins BUT WHO HAS 1000000 wins is a mystery my first subscribe was me BUT WHO WAS MY second subscriber people say iam the cringest kid ever in universe BUTT who is really da cringe is a mystery i got banned 2 times from anti bot filter BUT WHO GOT BANNED 4 TIMES is a mystery maybe people like die after seeing me specially girls i think iam over hot and i eat ice cream i breath weet i drink my shampoo i live on earth i dont know about you guys BUTT WHO LIVES IN MARS i think philza really needs a stack of wives


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      R (2).jpg
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    You who are but who you are
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