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Recent content by Chesper31

  1. Chesper31


    Welcome Back!! Here are some good cracked clients tath i used:Cm client,labbymod melon client and silent client. I strongly recomand cmclient since it s the most optimized and also have raw mouse input wich is very important😄
  2. Chesper31

    "soon" 2025 still helper :(

    "soon" 2025 still helper :(
  3. Chesper31

    PvP Guide

    No hitselect?damm what a shame
  4. Chesper31

    he is desperate for that promotion🗣️

    he is desperate for that promotion🗣️
  5. Chesper31

    The only staff member that answers so my stupid questions 🤣

    The only staff member that answers so my stupid questions 🤣
  6. Chesper31


    how tf do i report this
  7. Chesper31

    xp boosters

    Thx for reply,but this wasn t the aswer i was locking for,i won some xp booster 1h and haf an hour,and i don t know how to use them.
  8. Chesper31

    xp boosters

    how do i use xp boosters on bedwars?i got some from mysteriboxes and when i win the ammout of xp i get it s the same,
  9. Chesper31


    My brain also crashed :) View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiET68GbyHw
  10. Chesper31

    Any plans to bring Creative back?

    Tbh very peaceful than normal
  11. Chesper31

    Denied Lobby Skywars back :)

    Minecraft username: Chesper31 Suggestion: Skywars back :) Detailed description: Since it has been some time since SkyWars was removed and boosters for the game can still be obtained from the vote crates I believe it would be a great idea to bring SkyWars back to the server. SkyWars was an...