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Recent content by AlexandrosGR

  1. AlexandrosGR

    Update OpFactions - Reset | March the 7th 2025

    I don't remember so many bugs with the points.The only bug that i remember was with the setbase to don't lose ur faction points while getting raided.
  2. AlexandrosGR

    Event EVENT: Love Notes 2!

    Are you a RedStone torch? Because you make my piston extend
  3. AlexandrosGR

    Update OpFactions - Help us with next the update! | January the 9th 2025

    How to make it more fun u just hold ur left click what else u want ?
  4. AlexandrosGR

    Update OpFactions - Help us with next the update! | January the 9th 2025

    I will skip the part that u did used chat gpt to write this. 1.I don't see u playing opfactions u joining once a month asking for kits and leaving u never tried or did play for f top so u can't rly talk about points. 2.Points are good because it makes koths and strongholds more active for f top...
  5. AlexandrosGR

    OP Factions Warp Fps Rework

    Minecraft username: AlexandrosGR Suggestion: Warp Fps Rework Detailed description: I've talked with a developer, and they are planning to add a Winter KOTH and a Winter Boss at Warp FPS. I think it would be a great idea to make the Warp FPS area a bit larger and more level, creating a...
  6. AlexandrosGR

    Kicked during server reboot

    He can ask for gold refund since he did lost his stuff by spending gold
  7. AlexandrosGR

    kb8 ROD doe's not work

    You should make a bug report
  8. AlexandrosGR

    I was tp trap

    U did tpa to him and u don't have a record of it i don't think u can do anything without a record
  9. AlexandrosGR

    Incorrectly drawn ftop winners

    We have faction points that's why we won
  10. AlexandrosGR


    U got banned for ban evading its not for nothing if your main account its banned u can't use another account to play in the server u have to wait ur main account to get unbanned
  11. AlexandrosGR

    Kicked during server reboot

    Go make a payment ticket 👍
  12. AlexandrosGR


    It will announce it in chat and u have to click "click here".
  13. AlexandrosGR

    glitch with suite Helmet

    On your book u will see that there's a chance of getting destroyed or working like lets say %50 to not break and 50% to break its random its not a bug
  14. AlexandrosGR

    hahah YESSSIIR

    hahah YESSSIIR
  15. AlexandrosGR

    Event EVENT: Love Notes!

    Are you a redstone torch? Because you make my piston extend