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Recent content by Aguilar_20

  1. Aguilar_20

    Update SkyMines - Reset | March the 14th 2024

    Key trading is in skymine? When is it added. It wasnt there yesterday
  2. Aguilar_20

    SkyMines Multiple key opening at once

    Yeah. I mentioned it above that developer can choose the number of keys for each rank. And its just my opinion. And 64 keys is for monarch. They spend 10kgold for that Or maybe Gaurdian = 2 Sentinal = 5 Regent = 10 Grand = 16 Royal = 25 Monarch= 32
  3. Aguilar_20

    Website changes in bug report forem

    i have a few reports denied and i still dont know the reason for denial. And there are still in game also.
  4. Aguilar_20

    Update SkyMines - Reset | March the 14th 2024

    Was waiting for it for weeks
  5. Aguilar_20


    No i want reset. Its gettig bored in skymine now.
  6. Aguilar_20

    Can't use netherite from Kits (Regent )

    Yeah its a bug. I think dev already know about this. I have also reported it before. Maybe in next season it wipp be fixed
  7. Aguilar_20


    Open a payment related ticket by clicking Here.
  8. Aguilar_20


    Yes. All pur item will be wiped. Vaults, inventory, money everything. All u will have remaining is perm ranks, and itsm u buy woth pika iron /gold
  9. Aguilar_20

    Lobby parkour in lobby

    yeah its too small and there are many empty spaces left. which can be used for something useful .i think making the parkour a little bigger by using these spaces will make it better
  10. Aguilar_20


    anyone have any idea about it?
  11. Aguilar_20

    Lobby parkour in lobby

    Minecraft username: Aguilar_20 Suggestion: parkour in lobby Detailed description: there is a lot of unused spaces that no one even visit in lobby . it will be better to add a parkour around the map in the free spaces . and end of parkour should be in the mouth of the pika statue . i know...
  12. Aguilar_20

    Everything to know about voting / votes

    Yes i tried it mqny time
  13. Aguilar_20

    Everything to know about voting / votes

    When we try to vote in 7th link. Its says none premium account
  14. Aguilar_20

    Everything to know about voting / votes

    how ? please tell me if u know hoe to
  15. Aguilar_20

    Pika iron

    refer this for more information on voting and how to get iron from it