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  • Listen, do you want to play again? Turn off your net or turn on the VPN and create a new account to play with until your account is back to normal
    why everytime i do unban appeal says: mutile appeal wtf bro i wait from 13/03/2023 to 09/05/2023 and u say me i do multie appeals bruhh
    why this why
    Because they dont want people to appeal multiple times perhaps?
    appeals are not like staff apps where u can wait another month to make another one
    HDEpicgamer1 me 2 bro my name Syndiko and i dont do anything and Alparo_ ban me for no reseson and i got banned 90 day and now is 56 day left im waitting all this time to the best come back and dropped the kid alparo_ and hes team and alparo_ if u see it u died in my come back nob
    You got banned for refusal of screenshare, you may were cheating or not, it doesn't matter since you refused to get screenshared.
    i dont cheat and im send him the screeshot
    anyone staff go see my appeal password reset requests cuz my account Syndiko got hacked again :'(
    anyone staff go see kitpvp is have hackers can do fly or 1 hit u died with anyone good set wtf is this ?
    @Crni_ bro pls kick my Syndiko account cuz is bug at kitpvp and iam offline i cant join now but if i join alt and do /find Syndiko i see in kitpvp but he is offline how iam play :'( pls help
    anyone staff kick my account Syndiko now from Kitpvp is bug he dont want join and i do /find Syndiko with my alt i see my Syndiko in kitpvp and iam offlin how idk i think is bug pls anyone staff go kick my account Syndiko cuz Pikanetwork now 0 staff
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