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Recent content by 123DEVILpro123

  1. 123DEVILpro123


  2. 123DEVILpro123

    Event Event Ideas (Boat Race)

    +1. Seems exciting. They will have to organize a bit though as there would be more players and more rush. But great event.
  3. 123DEVILpro123

    Global Auto iron claim

    Most of the players claim iron at the end of month and sometimes they are not able to log on because of some unexpected personal issue. It can be useful for them.
  4. 123DEVILpro123

    Update SkyMines - Reset | March the 14th 2024

    Grinding will be better as there are more boosters.
  5. 123DEVILpro123

    Update SkyMines - Reset | March the 14th 2024

    W update feel excited to play.
  6. 123DEVILpro123

    Sever joining problem

    It happens in 1.21+. Try switching to 1.20.4 or lower if u havent tried yet.
  7. 123DEVILpro123

    help plss

    Hello yasir5463, This is most likely because of version. If you are playing from 1.21 then try switching to 1.20.4 or lower. Op lifesteal does not support gameplay from 1.21. It kicks you if any1 splash any custom potion like luck on you. (happened last ssn not sure if still persist)
  8. 123DEVILpro123

    Global Auto iron claim

    Minecraft username: 123DEVILpro123 Suggestion: Auto iron claim Detailed description: We get 500 pika iron for each 50 votes in /vote section. We sometimes think to claim iron at end of month to save iron for next 13 days to buy something good later but we sometime forget to claim it. I...
  9. 123DEVILpro123

    There is a scammer in Sky mines

    He will never get banned for it according to me. He clearly put dragon scale pickaxe there not pickaxe voucher. He can just say he was selling pickaxe but forgot to remove skin as aguilar said and you mistook it for pickaxe voucher. Yea but if he says in chat that he is selling pickaxe voucher...
  10. 123DEVILpro123

    Denied Website Check old suggestions

    Minecraft username: 123DEVILpro123 Suggestion: Check old suggestions Detailed description: There are many old suggestions which are very good but not yet checked such as School Kill Messages , Scaffold victory dance , ability to pause personal boosters , offline fmsg , etc They are very...
  11. 123DEVILpro123

    SkyMines Chatgames

    Most of the gamemodes already have chatgames like op lifesteal etc. And i dont play other gamemodes xD So suggested for skymines
  12. 123DEVILpro123

    OP Lifesteal Unscramble chatgame

    Both are different suggestions. It cannot fit in global because it only states 2 gamemodes and there is no way to post suggestion with 2 gamemodes. So I had to post 2 suggestions as main focus of both is different. One focus on adding chatgame in a skymines and other focus on improving chatgame...
  13. 123DEVILpro123

    OP Lifesteal Unscramble chatgame

    Minecraft username: 123DEVILpro123 Suggestion: Unscramble chatgame Detailed description: In op lifesteal season 1 and season 2 there were unscramble chatgames. It got removed later. I suggest to add unscramble chatgames back to op lifesteal. They are fun to answer. These unscramble...
  14. 123DEVILpro123

    SkyMines Netherite trim colour

    Minecraft username: 123DEVILpro123 Suggestion: Netherite trim colour Detailed description: Netherite trim colour is in common colours which give +1.5% dmg. My suggestion is to make it in legendary colour which gives 3.5% dmg or rare colour which gives 2.5%dmg. Adding it in legendary...
  15. 123DEVILpro123

    SkyMines Chatgames

    Minecraft username: 123DEVILpro123 Suggestion: Chatgames Detailed description: Chatgames are random questions or games which occur in chat every 30 minutes. My suggestion is to add chatgames in skymines. First player to answer a chatgame correctly gets a chat point. He can exchange the...