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Denied Minigames Pre sets

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Rare Pika
Oct 17, 2022
Minecraft username:

Pre sets​

Detailed description:
There should be a option where you can preset some of your items like for example:

PreSet-1: Stone sward in slot 1, 48 blocks in slot 2, like that and we can name as we wish.
Cost: 24 iron because stone sward 12 and 48 blocks 12 iron and if the players don't have enough iron/gold to buy it then he could Just open his preset and only buy 48 blocks

Pre set 2: Stone sward in slot 1, 64 blocks in slot 2, 2 golden apples in slot 3, 2 tnt in slot 9 like that and we can name it rusher or something.
cost: 28 iron 18 gold like that and he could still open his preset and buy only 64 blocks or only tnt like that.

Depends upon the rank a player can have number of pre sets.Like for a no rank player he can have 1 pre-set and for VIP rank 2 and Elite Titan 3 and Champion 4 pre set like that.

The pre set should be set-up by the players as per his convenience just like how we setup quick buy and hotbar.

This helps players who wants to buy the same set of items again and again.​

This idea could save a lot of time of players spending to much time in shop just to buy certain things again and again everytime he dies.​

In shop, Pre-set option
Right click open pre-set and buy certain stacked items at once like that if you don't have enough iron/gold.
Left click to buy the full pre-set.
Trust me, this will save a lot of time.​


Staff Member
Feb 21, 2022
Minecraft username:

Pre sets

Detailed description:
There should be a option where you can preset some of your items like for example:

PreSet-1: Stone sward in slot 1, 48 blocks in slot 2, like that and we can name as we wish.

Cost: 24 iron because stone sward 12 and 48 blocks 12 iron and if the players don't have enough iron/gold to buy it then he could Just open his preset and only buy 48 blocks

Pre set 2: Stone sward in slot 1, 64 blocks in slot 2, 2 golden apples in slot 3, 2 tnt in slot 9 like that and we can name it rusher or something.

cost: 28 iron 18 gold like that and he could still open his preset and buy only 64 blocks or only tnt like that.

Depends upon the rank a player can have number of pre sets.Like for a no rank player he can have 1 pre-set and for VIP rank 2 and Elite Titan 3 and Champion 4 pre set like that.

The pre set should be set-up by the players as per his convenience just like how we setup quick buy and hotbar.

This helps players who wants to buy the same set of items again and again.

This idea could save a lot of time of players spending to much time in shop just to buy certain things again and again everytime he dies.

In shop, Pre-set option

Right click open pre-set and buy certain stacked items at once like that if you don't have enough iron/gold.

Left click to buy the full pre-set.

Trust me, this will save a lot of time.
Imo having a good shop layout and being quick in buying items is also a skill.
A major deciding part of most early game fights is being able to quickly buy the items u need, specially when you just respawned and are being rushed.
Quickly buying items is a skill and should remain this way.


Staff Member
Dec 1, 2023
Hello LUCKYBOY2345,

Thank you for your interest in creating a suggestion to improve the server. We are always doing our best to make the server a better place for everyone.
However, we have eventually decided to deny your suggestion due to the following reason(s):
  • Would decrease the competitiveness in games as items would be easily buyable
For your reference, here is a link to our suggestion guidelines → PikaNetwork Suggestion Guidelines.
Please make sure to read and understand them before suggesting again.

We also advise you to use our Thread Search Feature to look for (similar) already made suggestions and upvote them instead.

Have fun playing on PikaNetwork!
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