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Update OpFactions - Help us with next the update! | September the 13th 2020

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Legendary Pika
Jul 9, 2019
Allow swearing on factions
Minor changes in /f warns
Add a new crate 'Spawner crate'
Make gkit spawner have spawner keys
Designed TAB like Jartex (tps, servertime, server uptime)
Add raidclaims so you can't raid during shield just like Jartex but make sure you explain properly how to use them, basically have a guide on how to use raid claims.


Staff Member
Jun 9, 2020
Add new command like before where you can see faction chunks.

Enabling epearl is gonna make alot of changes into OpFactions. There are already punch bows in the game. Whats the point.

Enable swearing, but not towards someone.

Make Mcmmo maximum to 750, it could balance the pvp situations.

As you know, OpFactions is easily to lag. I just need to blow up like 100 tnts and the tps goes to 17. Then what about cannoning. Please make the server alot more smoother for pvping, cannoning, raiding.

These are just my suggestions. Thanks!


Oct 3, 2019

As an experienced faction player I will write down some things which would defintely need to be changed.

  1. Proper faction related rules
    1. Raiding with shield - should be disallowed and strikable(if you don't change it so shield doesn't work on cannon boxes)
    2. Raiding with counter cannon - raiding with counter cannon from your base to another base should be disallowed and strikable as counter cannons should only be used for raiding cannon boxes, not bases
    3. Hiding value - hiding value in /pv until last payout should be disallowed(last map we encountered a faction which had barely any spawners placed trough whole map but at last payout they placed 3T of spawners), so what I am saying, at all times atleast 75% or 50% of spawners should be placed
    4. Insiding rule - whole map there was many insides but no one ever got banned for it, staff need to know how to check if a person was insided and punish
    5. Raiding related rules - such as, only 1 faction is allowed to raid another(last map at one point we got teamed by 5 factions, 1 faction was cannoning and other 4 were preventing us from patching, we were outnumbered massively), or atleast making it 1 faction and their ally
    6. Remove the rule regarding faction chat punishments(it is faction chat, so stuff should be allowed), if we are getting raided or trapped in pvp offcourse we will spam in faction chat, thats a normal thing for factions
    7. Mining spawners when getting raided - should be punishable, last season we would spend TNT to breach someone and they would just mine down spawners when we were few walls off, taxes you added didn't help a bit as players rather creeper egged the spawners or TNTed them
  2. Fix the freecam cegging, last map we lost over 1T of value(which was never refunded to us)
  3. Add TNT wand in crates
  4. Add sand wand in crates
  5. Add infinite Sell and TNT wands
  6. Buff the /f tnt storage to atleast 10m
  7. Add more power per player(make it 100), let's be honest, it is OP factions
  8. Add chunk collectors(to reduce lag hopper and chest systems make)
  9. Add option to bulk buy mob and crop chests
  10. Lower Axe & Sword MCMMO to 500 or 1000(current one is too op)
  11. Shorter season - atleast shorten it to 2months if not even lower(no one has time nor will check walls daily for 90 days, it was possible during summer, but now as school started for most of the players shorter map would be a great thing)
  12. Add /f mission - missions such as kill 500 blazes, mine 500 stone etc, and make good rewards for them
  13. More Faction related events which take place on the server itself(example: raid event)
  14. Buff vote and epic keys(it is OP Factions after all)
  15. Add new stuff to kits, edit current kits(give stack of gapps with each, not 3+ as it is currently), add more special kits, and a special kit which can only get accessed by immortal rank(as with buying this rank we don't get anything new except color chat and better armor)
  16. Better koth loot
  17. Reducing obsidian durability to 5
I agree

As an experienced faction player I will write down some things which would defintely need to be changed.

  1. Proper faction related rules
    1. Raiding with shield - should be disallowed and strikable(if you don't change it so shield doesn't work on cannon boxes)
    2. Raiding with counter cannon - raiding with counter cannon from your base to another base should be disallowed and strikable as counter cannons should only be used for raiding cannon boxes, not bases
    3. Hiding value - hiding value in /pv until last payout should be disallowed(last map we encountered a faction which had barely any spawners placed trough whole map but at last payout they placed 3T of spawners), so what I am saying, at all times atleast 75% or 50% of spawners should be placed
    4. Insiding rule - whole map there was many insides but no one ever got banned for it, staff need to know how to check if a person was insided and punish
    5. Raiding related rules - such as, only 1 faction is allowed to raid another(last map at one point we got teamed by 5 factions, 1 faction was cannoning and other 4 were preventing us from patching, we were outnumbered massively), or atleast making it 1 faction and their ally
    6. Remove the rule regarding faction chat punishments(it is faction chat, so stuff should be allowed), if we are getting raided or trapped in pvp offcourse we will spam in faction chat, thats a normal thing for factions
    7. Mining spawners when getting raided - should be punishable, last season we would spend TNT to breach someone and they would just mine down spawners when we were few walls off, taxes you added didn't help a bit as players rather creeper egged the spawners or TNTed them
  2. Fix the freecam cegging, last map we lost over 1T of value(which was never refunded to us)
  3. Add TNT wand in crates
  4. Add sand wand in crates
  5. Add infinite Sell and TNT wands
  6. Buff the /f tnt storage to atleast 10m
  7. Add more power per player(make it 100), let's be honest, it is OP factions
  8. Add chunk collectors(to reduce lag hopper and chest systems make)
  9. Add option to bulk buy mob and crop chests
  10. Lower Axe & Sword MCMMO to 500 or 1000(current one is too op)
  11. Shorter season - atleast shorten it to 2months if not even lower(no one has time nor will check walls daily for 90 days, it was possible during summer, but now as school started for most of the players shorter map would be a great thing)
  12. Add /f mission - missions such as kill 500 blazes, mine 500 stone etc, and make good rewards for them
  13. More Faction related events which take place on the server itself(example: raid event)
  14. Buff vote and epic keys(it is OP Factions after all)
  15. Add new stuff to kits, edit current kits(give stack of gapps with each, not 3+ as it is currently), add more special kits, and a special kit which can only get accessed by immortal rank(as with buying this rank we don't get anything new except color chat and better armor)
  16. Better koth loot
  17. Reducing obsidian durability to 5
i agree


Pika Lover
Oct 30, 2018

OpFactions - PikaNetwork 2020

Greetings PikaCrafters,

Within this post, we would like to talk about the OpFactions gamemode on pika network. After our poll listed within our discord server, have we decided to leave normal factions for what it currently is and create a reset for our current OpFactions gamemode, therefore we would like to hear from you, the community, on what we should add and improve for the reset for the current OpFactions server.

If you're interested in helping with suggestions for changes and additions, can you use this thread to discuss anything with other people in our community that you think would be beneficial.. Your feedback is very important to us, we will make sure to review all your feedback and provide you with the best on the gamemode reset. But please be descriptive when giving feedback, saying the server is broken, or saying fix this, isn't helping us in any way, use details.

For anyone wondering what will happen with normal factions, for now, it will stay what is. But we have noticed that, there is interest in changes with the Factions server. Therefore we would still like to improve it in the near future.

For the OpFactions reset, would I like to ask some questions.
  • New faction commands (What commands would you suggest?)
  • Mcmmo changes?
  • Fix all bugs
  • Cannoning improvements
  • Ender pearls enabled or disabled in combat?
  • Update all plugins in general.
  • ???
  • `Your suggestions here`

Please take this opportunity to let us know by replying to this message what changes you would like to see going forwards!
You can also let us know what you think of the current ideas we have and why we should add them or not.

Good day or night i would like to list the changes i would like to see implemanted in to the upcoming update these are

1. Mcmmo ~ its obviously a problem to have to much mcmmo so the limit should at least be 3k

2. Cannoning ~ the cannoning jar here is decent its mainly east / west cannoning its basically messed up hence the reason why everyone raided from the north / south i suggest you use jartex's cannoning jar to fix the problem

3. Commands ~ add /gb this will replace the gen buckets from /shop also dont use buckets use blocks of what the gen has to be example obby gen block will be a single obsidian block same for sand and netherack also add /roam so players can view an enemy base and where to aim at when raiding also add /printer plugin means you can type /printer gives you gmc but you can only access the same blocks as you can in /shop (not spawners e.t.c)

Random suggestions ~ PLZ ADD warp fps its suggested by many and liked by alot also gkits cool downs are too long. Add more tools to the shop like tray pic axes shockwaves e.t.c
Obsidian durability is too strong 95% of servers has 5/5 durability and pika has 10/10 please reduce
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Pika Lover
Oct 30, 2018
-Reduce the mcmmo to 1000max.
-Reduce the map lenght , lets be serious playing a 3month map is too long... Also the payout is way to small for a 3 month map , on a premium server we can win up to 300$ every 2 weeks on a normal server.
-Add throwable creepers , even tho we have fly its hard to cegg spawners .


Pika Member
Apr 5, 2020
for the next opfactions map i would like to suggest to
Improve printer while printing in cannons or any type of schematica build.
and also add /printer and /roam and improved cannon jar.

/printer - /printer is where a player goes in creative mode and he can place any blocks while costing them money. this feature can really help cannoners for this map cuz it will make our lives better if you simply put this feature in.

/roam - /roam is when a user goes in spectator mode in order to scout enemy bases so that we can locate where are the values of the factions at. but ofc we need to balance this feature. make it they can only travel 80-70 blocks from their body and make a /roam cooldown of 20-15seconds.

more suggestions
make this map shorter than 2months: :))
allow swearing on opfactions because this is a very competitive game. but if you allow swearing there would be a limit. a user cant go below the belt like
"f*ck your mom she has a WAP"

AND ALSO ADD SHORTCUT COMMANDS TO certain items on /shop like /GB for gen buckets and I suggest that make the Gen buckets not stacked make them a reusable one like everytime that u place a gen bucket it will just take some of your money.

-jetkt best cannoner
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New Member
Aug 11, 2020
Add epearls that would help alot on koths and such

Lower mcmmo to 750 or 1k

Make better kits on the rankup and dono kits maybe two sets each kit and not 3 stacks of gaps example champion kit gives prot 10 armor maybe add a second set to the champion kit but prot 9 just lower the prot ones or twice

Make better gkits theres only one currently useful and thats the keys gkit

Make a sellwand or something that would sell all of the chest on a chunk

Add /warp fps this would help people who have not so good pcs

Add better items on /shop also add /pots or /potions

Raid Claims

Make prot 16 or sharp 18 obtainable thru enchanting it makes the game less p2w

Make a warp that does not enable mcmmo

Make it so that you can buy 64 charged cegg on shop so that you dont have to sit there for an hour jitter clicking

Buff Keys vote keys are trash atm you get 5 helmets in a row you can get lucky sometimes but if youre not you will have to open 4 stacks of vote keys (based on my experience) maybe add keys which are obtainable from either killing mobs or mining

Add a website that displays the prices of the items such as exp and keys new players sometimes sell their vote keys 1b each when its supposed to be 100m its a pain to buy stuff from ah when everythings overpriced when i was gathering keys to open everything was overpriced i bought them still because i had 260b now all im left with is 8b

Please add jump boost splash pots a month ago we encounter atleast 3 bhoppers a day either at koth or warp soccer jump boost pots disable some hacked clients bhops it would help since staff isnt that online on opfactions there would be 3 trials on bedwars and 2 mods on opprison would just ignore us if we call them out

Add custom enchants that would help in grinding exp and such maybe custom enchants on armor too it would make the game more fun because you can grind for more stuff trying to get the best stuff

Add rewards for /baltop

Also tell staff to let us explain what happened before they warn/mute us i called my friend to "1v1 me you little sht" we're mean to each other thats how we show that we are friends i didnt curse too

I forgot to add lower the season to 2 months or so

Maybe add keys on /shop but make it x2 more expensive
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Epic Pika
Apr 15, 2019
Fix mcmmo, buff crates, fix the tps, and most importantly ADD WARP FPS BACK SOCCER IS ACTUAL DOG SHIT


The Pika
Oct 16, 2019

As an experienced faction player I will write down some things which would defintely need to be changed.

  1. Proper faction related rules
    1. Raiding with shield - should be disallowed and strikable(if you don't change it so shield doesn't work on cannon boxes)
    2. Raiding with counter cannon - raiding with counter cannon from your base to another base should be disallowed and strikable as counter cannons should only be used for raiding cannon boxes, not bases
    3. Hiding value - hiding value in /pv until last payout should be disallowed(last map we encountered a faction which had barely any spawners placed trough whole map but at last payout they placed 3T of spawners), so what I am saying, at all times atleast 75% or 50% of spawners should be placed
    4. Insiding rule - whole map there was many insides but no one ever got banned for it, staff need to know how to check if a person was insided and punish
    5. Raiding related rules - such as, only 1 faction is allowed to raid another(last map at one point we got teamed by 5 factions, 1 faction was cannoning and other 4 were preventing us from patching, we were outnumbered massively), or atleast making it 1 faction and their ally
    6. Remove the rule regarding faction chat punishments(it is faction chat, so stuff should be allowed), if we are getting raided or trapped in pvp offcourse we will spam in faction chat, thats a normal thing for factions
    7. Mining spawners when getting raided - should be punishable, last season we would spend TNT to breach someone and they would just mine down spawners when we were few walls off, taxes you added didn't help a bit as players rather creeper egged the spawners or TNTed them
  2. Fix the freecam cegging, last map we lost over 1T of value(which was never refunded to us)
  3. Add TNT wand in crates
  4. Add sand wand in crates
  5. Add infinite Sell and TNT wands
  6. Buff the /f tnt storage to atleast 10m
  7. Add more power per player(make it 100), let's be honest, it is OP factions
  8. Add chunk collectors(to reduce lag hopper and chest systems make)
  9. Add option to bulk buy mob and crop chests
  10. Lower Axe & Sword MCMMO to 500 or 1000(current one is too op)
  11. Shorter season - atleast shorten it to 2months if not even lower(no one has time nor will check walls daily for 90 days, it was possible during summer, but now as school started for most of the players shorter map would be a great thing)
  12. Add /f mission - missions such as kill 500 blazes, mine 500 stone etc, and make good rewards for them
  13. More Faction related events which take place on the server itself(example: raid event)
  14. Buff vote and epic keys(it is OP Factions after all)
  15. Add new stuff to kits, edit current kits(give stack of gapps with each, not 3+ as it is currently), add more special kits, and a special kit which can only get accessed by immortal rank(as with buying this rank we don't get anything new except color chat and better armor)
  16. Better koth loot
  17. Reducing obsidian durability to 5
Agreed with everything...

And tbh votes/epics are sht


Rare Pika
Aug 22, 2020
Add tnt wands to shop. No one can be bothered typing down the cmd till they reach 1m tnt. And increase the capacity of /f tnt.


Pika Member
Aug 23, 2020
Make the mcmmo 500 or 750 for the axes and swords its opfac not ultraopfac to have 5k so it could be balanced to pvp and the armour dont break out to fast


Pika Member
Apr 5, 2020
-Reduce the mcmmo to 1000max.
-Reduce the map lenght , lets be serious playing a 3month map is too long... Also the payout is way to small for a 3 month map , on a premium server we can win up to 300$ every 2 weeks on a normal server.
-Add throwable creepers , even tho we have fly its hard to cegg spawners .
there's throwable creepers if you didnt know.


Pika Member
Apr 5, 2020
Add epearls that would help alot on koths and such

Lower mcmmo to 750 or 1k

Make better kits on the rankup and dono kits

Make better gkits theres only one currently useful and thats the keys gkit

Make a sellwand or something that would sell all of the chest on a chunk

Add /warp fps this would help people who have not so good pcs

Add better items on /shop also add /pots or /potions

Raid Claims

Make prot 16 or sharp 18 obtainable thru enchanting it makes the game less p2w

Make a warp that does not enable mcmmo

Make it so that you can buy 64 charged cegg on shop so that you dont have to sit there for an hour jitter clicking

Buff Keys vote keys are trash atm you get 5 helmets in a row you can get lucky sometimes but if youre not you will have to open 4 stacks of vote keys (based on my experience)

Add a website that displays the prices of the items such as exp and keys new players sometimes sell their vote keys 1b each when its supposed to be 100m its a pain to buy stuff from ah when everythings overpriced when i was gathering keys to open everything was overpriced i bought them still because i had 260b now all im left with is 8b

Please add jump boost splash pots a month ago we encounter atleast 3 bhoppers a day either at koth or warp soccer jump boost pots disable some hacked clients bhops it would help since staff isnt that online on opfactions there would be 3 trials on bedwars and 2 mods on opprison would just ignore us if we call them out

Add custom enchants that would help in grinding exp and such maybe custom enchants on armor too it would make the game more fun because you can grind for more stuff trying to get the best stuff

Add rewards for /baltop

Also tell staff to let us explain what happened before they warn/mute us i called my friend to "1v1 me you little sht" we're mean to each other thats how we show that we are friends i didnt curse too

I forgot to add lower the season to 2 months or so
I strongly disagree with the baltop rewards.


Legendary Pika
Mar 1, 2020
Your reach checks on your practice server is much better than on opfac I’d like to suggest making the reach checks the same on practice and opfac


Staff Member
May 30, 2016
There are still tons of suggestions that don`t have any details at all, please be descriptive. Saying change kits, come then please with information. Why you want it to be changed and what needs to be changed, thanks.

This will only help us create a better reset if you, give us more information on your suggestions and what you want to be changed.

Cap the amount of people which can be in one faction not including alts
What is the cap you would suggest to go with, details thanks.

Buff pro rank
What needs to buffed what needs to be changed? More details please, thanks.

Kits revamped (not just one set)

More items added to Kit once
What needs to be revamped, what needs to be changed, what needs to be added in your opnion? More details please, thanks.

Minor changes in /f warns
What needs to be changed? More details please, thanks.

Make better kits on the rankup and dono kits
What needs to be made better? The current kits have been there for years, ever since it first release. Why needs it changes now and what needs to be changed in your opinion? More details please, thanks.
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