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    Peace Event Winners Post!

    The 2nd Place winner is Isaak who made these hilarious songs. https://audio.com/lord-slizzurp/audio/shattered-trust https://audio.com/lord-slizzurp/audio/stolen-diamonds https://audio.com/lord-slizzurp/audio/diamonds-and-deception https://audio.com/lord-slizzurp/audio/exposing-shadows...
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    Peace Event Winners Post!

    I received many entries and looked at many projects for the peace event, but I have selected the top 3 and I will post them here. 1st Place Winner: GamingSankalpYt and Soul_Sand for their amazing movie that they made: View: https://youtu.be/qmkNUsxQfD8?si=oqiTGta_wbt0oo-f Im going to reply...
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    EVENT: Peace Has Been Made

    I will definitely post the winners and the people who did a good job, and there are some very creative projects that have been done so far. Some people are making videos and songs that I have seen already and they are amazing XD
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    EVENT: Peace Has Been Made

    bro read part 4 of this post the event is still going you have the chance rn you better get to work before the 26th XD
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    EVENT: Peace Has Been Made

    yes just read rule #4
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    EVENT: Peace Has Been Made

    why do you have to quit?
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    EVENT: Peace Has Been Made

    Hughmtb lost 15m in diamonds and Ka11zen was who we thought took the diamonds so we fought about it for a week. Since we cant prove who really took the diamonds or what happened to them we have decided to make peace and let the issue go. This special event is for everyone on the server to...
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    EVENT: Peace Has Been Made

    killer why not? are you quitting?
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    EVENT: Peace Has Been Made

    Hi everyone I'm writing this post to tell the whole server that Ka11zen and me have reached an agreement that will allow both sides to make peace. These are the terms of our agreement that we talked about. Ka11zen will be replying to this post to confirm that everything I say in this post is...
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    EVENT: Winners Choice Giveaway

    Hi everyone its time for my next official event for this season. This event is going to be much more simple than my last event and its going to be luck based. For everyone who wanted a skill based event I am planning on doing a very large skill based event soon but its going to take a lot of...
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    EVENT: 1st Prize 2 Easter Crates

    they have a lot of value and people like them because they have a chance of dropping king rank, rn one of these crates is worth 1.8m, so the first prize is about 3.6m
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    EVENT: 1st Prize 2 Easter Crates

    you can join but the event ends in 33 hours from now ;-;
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    EVENT: 1st Prize 2 Easter Crates

    hi terecotaas, i need to come to your build at least one time
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    EVENT: 1st Prize 2 Easter Crates

    hi, i need your ign and to see your build at least once before saturday so you can join
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    EVENT: 1st Prize 2 Easter Crates

    hi, i need your ign and to see your build at least once before saturday so you can join
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    EVENT: 1st Prize 2 Easter Crates

    hi kazuma, i need to see your build site at least once before saturday so i can judge your build if you arnt online
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    EVENT: 1st Prize 2 Easter Crates

    as long as you know you cant win a prize unless you follow all the rules, your in
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    EVENT: 1st Prize 2 Easter Crates

    yep, i saw your build and set a home there, your in :D
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    EVENT: 1st Prize 2 Easter Crates

    sure 1_gamer, i need to see your build at least once before saturday so i can set a home there, gl to you :D
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    EVENT: 1st Prize 2 Easter Crates

    yep, what are your ign's? also contact me in game so i can set a home at your build, and make sure you have read ALL the rules