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Badges in skywars!!!

is this a cool idea???

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Dec 25, 2020
Add badges to skywars or bedwars. U would get the badges by completing achievements some would be hard to get some would be easy to get.
The badges would show up next to the players name in chat and maybe could be color based by rarity or hardness. U could equip the badges and there would be a limit of how many u could equip.
When u put ur cursor over the badge next to the players name it would show the description of the badge. The badges would be titles next to ur name with moving letters for the really hard ones and for the basic ones it would be white/green text.
Description of what they would look like:
[ white ] [ orange ]
[ green ] [ red ]
[ blue ] [ pink ]
[ purple ]

This is how a common badge would look like [badge text] Players_Name
This is how a rare badge would look like [badge text] Players_Name

Also some of them could be with bold letters and those moving letters that u can do in minecraft.

I just think it would be cool if you could have more customization in skywars