Denying reasons
Detailed description:
Most of the suggestions are denied for reasons like
"Not going to happen"
"No plan for this"
"Currently not planned"
Which does not make much sense. If you are going to add/accept only those suggestions which u have...
by mistake, if u are trying to buy item from the slot next to it specially if u r on high sens or u may already have stone sword and u buy one again in next base or something. There are many reasons.
Um when i try to put tools or sword in chest it says "you cant do this"
I mean people who buy it by mistake are more then those. Anyway buying 2 same swords is kinda stupid. If you want to give it to ur tm8, u can throw resources, adding this will not be end of the world for them.
Yes but if u count how many time someone dies in a game, it gets quite alot. Like if u r not grinding or are solo qing, u get like on average 5 deaths. 25 secs in a game. And now multiply it with the amount of games u play daily. Its rly annoying. It will save alot of time.
i dont have time to read that big msg. Coins booster are available in store as well as gold shop while exp boosters are only seasonal and everyone gets them. Making them purchasable is just a bad idea.
They should make it so we can see our levels and exp keft to next level in experience bar. In lobby as well as in game. As agent said, dont mention other servers.
Exp boosters are not available in stores either. If they add this it will be really bad for people who have grinded 24 7 to get high level without boosters. Exp boosters shouldn't even exist.
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