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Recent content by Flybyknight

  1. F

    Can you mine diamonds in Factions?

    How do you get diamonds in Factions
  2. F

    U get vote rewards if offline full inv?

    on another server you would just vote and the rewards would show up in your inventory but i have figured out this server works differently with vote keys thanks. One more question if you dont mind its off topic. How do you raid another base if tnt will not explode?
  3. F

    U get vote rewards if offline full inv?

    Do you still get vote rewards if offline or full inventory?
  4. F

    How do you get bones in Factions?

    Can you buy things in the store or just sell items? When I tried to buy in the store It said I was not able to but didn't explain why. Thanks.
  5. F

    I just established my base 3 days ago and protected it but now my faction has no home What happened?!!!!

    Ok I found out what happened. I gave my new faction mate Admin and they unclaimed the base and opted to be nomads with some other new members without telling me.
  6. F

    I just established my base 3 days ago and protected it but now my faction has no home What happened?!!!!

    I just established my base 3 days ago and protected it but now my faction has no home What happened?!!!! Staff Please advise.